Monday 28 April 2008

Pre Credits Sequence

This sentence here marks my fourth proper attempt at what is popularly known as a 'blog'. I must confess here that I don't actually know what that means. But it has become a noun and a verb and possibly an adjective too. Plus, I'm comfortable enough with the context in which it is to be used to get away with it.

The first one was a livejournal that's mean feature was a reoccurring lameness. I feel this should not be dwelled upon further.

The second was a series of links and semi rants. Which was potentially good, but never really got going.

The third involved a list of 101 things which I had to do in 1001 days, and actually lasted AN ENTIRE MONTH. Unfortunately with myself being myself the list consisted of things I thought achievable - "cook dinner", rather than things that I'd actually want to do, but probably wouldn't. So it was a bit dull.

So, what will this one be about.

I could write about my hobbies but that would read like - I played football and scored a goal. I went snowboarding and fell over a lot. And I might write about that a bit. But only if I've got something to say.

I could do one of those job-blogs, but my job, while I quite like it, wouldn't be an interesting blog.

As a general rule I'll write about stuff I like.

As an even more general rule it'll be about whatever I feel like writing about.

I'll figure it all out in time. Possibly.

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